Team Walks

Walking and talking together builds stronger relationships. Sharing such a simple outdoor experience can reap great rewards in the workplace especially, if team well-being and improved communication is on your agenda.

Team Netwalks are ideal for

  • Building Inter-Departmental Relationships 
  • Bringing Remote Team Members Together
  • A Mental and Physical Wellbeing Initiative
  • Brainstorming 

Designing Your Team Netwalk 

Firstly, we discuss the outcomes you have for your team

Together we decide on the best exercises to facilitate the achievement of your outcomes, the ideal length of walk combined with lunch and coffee stops. You have the choice of a full or half day experience. They can be a one off or a regular team activity

I engage the team at to scope the perfect walk 

All Team Netwalks start with clear outcomes and end with a focused action plan. They are guided by a walking business coach and assisted by a navigator.

This will be a bonding and energising experience for your team.

Interested? Contact us